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2023-2024 New England Rankings

Preseason data gathered by: information from coach's, parents, and wrestlers, offseason tournaments, 2023 NHSCA Nationals, and of course 2023 New Englands

Did I miss a weight change, transfer, or key result? Let me know!


The new top three here were the top three at the showcase, otherwise wrestlers moving up caused some shifts. 


Three new entries here include: No. 8 Derek Marcolini (Milford, MA), a New England qualifier at 106 last year; No. 10 Denzel Monterio (Hope, RI), last year’s Rhode Island 106 champ; and No. 12 Apollo Bellini (Ponaganset, RI), a freshman who’s set to be the Chieftain’s starting 113- pound wrestler.


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